Capsular Contracture refers to the development of scar tissue within the breast implant pocket or ‘capsule’. The formation of scar tissue is a common occurrence, and normally does not cause any noticeable problems. However, when Capsular Contraction occurs, the scar tissue begins to tighten around the implant, causing pain and distortion of the breast, possibly even rupturing the implant. Surgical repair is the only viable solution for Capsular Contraction.
The symptoms of Capsular Contracture will range in severity with the most severe characterized by a tight, painful chest that may feel firm or hard to the touch. Eventually, this can lead to breasts that appear Contracture:
Grade I: The breast is soft, looking and feeling normal.
Grade II: The breast looks normal but feels slightly harder to the touch.
Grade III: The breast feels hard to the touch and will begin to look distorted or rounded with the implant sitting higher than normal.
Grade IV: The breast feels very hard, has extreme distortion, and causes discomfort or pain.
I have been performing Breast Augmentation Revision for Capsular Contracture using the most technologically advanced techniques for the correction of Capsular Contraction. These innovative surgical procedures have been developed to relieve both the physical and aesthetic problems associated with Capsular Contraction, restoring a beautiful, natural looking breast.
The method used to correct Capsular Contraction depends on the severity of symptoms, the woman’s unique anatomy, and if leakage is present. One of two techniques will be employed: the Open Capsulotomy and the Capsulectomy.
This technique is reserved for women with implants placed above the muscle and show no sign of rupture or leakage. The Open Capsulotomy will begin by making a small incision underneath breast or through the areola. From here he will open the implant capsule, allowing it to expand. Once a comfortable pocket for the implant has been created, the doctor will close the incision with dissolvable sutures.
This method of Capsular Contracture correction is used when the implant shows signs of trauma or leakage. A small inframammary incision or through the areola will be created. Next, he will remove the encapsulating scar tissue and the implant. A new breast implant may also be placed at this time. Finally, the incision will be closed using dissolvable sutures for proper healing. If the implant is above the muscle, it may be placed in a new plane below the muscle.
Patients should expect the recovery from Capsular Contracture correction to take from one to two weeks. There will be mild pain and swelling immediately after surgery. A special surgical bandage or bra will be worn for the first several days to keep swelling to a minimum. Bruising is also common, but will dissipate over the following ten to fourteen days. Appropriate pain medications will be prescribed to allow for a comfortable healing process. In some cases, drains will be placed to remove the accumulation of fluid in the breasts.
Most patients feel well enough to return to work in one to two weeks. More strenuous activities, exercise, and heavy lifting should be postponed for four to six weeks.