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Wednesday, December 2, 2020



If the underside of your upper arms is sagging or appear loose and full due to excess skin and fat, an arm lift may be right for you.

Changes in weight, growing older and genetics can cause your upper arms to have a drooping, sagging appearance. Exercise can strengthen and improve the underlying muscle tone of the upper arm, but it cannot address excess skin that has lost elasticity or underlying weakened tissues and localized fat deposits. Liposuction alone is not adequate in some scenarios as fat removal alone will result in more loose hanging extra skin.

If the underside of your upper arms is saggy or appear loose due to extra skin and fat, an arm lift may be right procedure for you.

What is an arm lift?

The arm-lift or medical term brachioplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to tighten tissue above the elbow to restore structure to the upper arm and remove fat deposits. The procedure can be completely tailored based on individual needs—some individuals have a full brachioplasty, while others have a smaller mini-arm lift. The goal is to place the incision in the least visible location possible.

Is it the correct operation for me?

Anyone who is unhappy with the appearance of loose, sagging skin along their upper arms is a potential candidate for an arm lift. It is very common for those who have lost a significant amount of weight to turn to an arm lift procedure to remove excess skin and improve the appearance of their arms. Overall, a good candidate is someone at their ideal weight and in good health with a clear understanding of the procedure, recovery process, and end result to expect.

What is the recovery process like?

An arm lift is an outpatient procedure, so patients are able to return home on the same day. Bruising and swelling in the area is common after an arm lift and typically peaks at around three days following the procedure. 

Overall, the recovery process lasts about a week, with most patients returning to work in less than seven days. Heavy lifting and exercise should be avoided for six weeks. Recovery will include several follow-up appointments so your doctor can monitor healing. After surgery, patients are placed in a special compression garment that should be worn for approximately six weeks, after which full activity can be resumed.

Arm lift procedures can truly be life-changing for those who struggle with the appearance of unsightly, sagging skin around the upper arms as they age. With the right surgeon and the right plan, you can say goodbye to loose skin around your upper arms and begin looking and feeling your best. 

How much will arm lift surgery cost?

Cost is always a consideration in elective surgery. The cost for an arm lift may vary based on the type of procedure used, as well as the hospital used. When choosing a plastic surgeon for an arm lift, remember that the surgeon’s experience & pedigree and your comfort with him or her are just as important as the final cost of the surgery.

Interested to say Goodbye to unsightly Bat Wings?

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